Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kyle Ciampa is not a well liked person!

It looks like I am not the only one who has questioned the character of Kyle Ciampa.  I stumbled upon this website:

The site above is a poll that I assume was created by a Hull High School alum, featuring the top 10 people most despised at Hull High School (Kyle Ciampa's former high school in Hull, MA).  When you click on "view results", this is what you see:

Who is the Person you despise most At Hull High?
 Russell Goyette 18 (32%)
Alice Haseltine 1 (1%)
James Merritt 1 (1%)
Kyle Ciampa 25 (45%)
Greg Cunningham 1 (1%)
Andrew Killoran 1 (1%)
Brendan McNair 3 (5%)
Joe Doniger 1 (1%)
Freshman Class 3 (5%)
Mimi Leary 1 (1%)

55 Total votes

Out of curiosity I had to Google Russell Goyette, just to learn a bit about the individual who lost the top spot to Kyle Ciampa.  It turns out that Russell is a former Hull High Principal who was arrested on child pornography charges.  Yes, KYLE CIAMPA was voted to be the most despised person!  Wow, just wow.

Kyle Ciampa is Untrustworthy!

Let me start by sating that I am NOT the infamous Kyle Ciampa.  Kyle Ciampa is a man (boy?) that I met through a Yahoo! fantasy football league in the fall of 2010, and someone I regret ever having contact with.  Kyle Ciampa was the commission of the public "Cash $$League" (in addition to running numerous other leagues), collected payments from all participants in our league ($550 total), and then disappeared when it was time to pay the winners.

It is unknown at this time whether Kyle Ciampa pocketed participants' funds in the other fantasy leagues as well. If you have not already, please make sure to visit this website that was created at a public service announcement:

I will be posting more about Kyle Ciampa in future posts.  Stay tuned folks...